This is now probably going to be my last blog as a single woman. This time next week, I will be married and on my way to a nice dinner together with my new husband.
Tonight is the bachelorette party, just me and my mom. I'm cooking a nice dinner for Ryan and I before, and then it's time to let loose.
All in all, it's busy for the rest of this week. Work tomorrow, laundry Sunday, ordering the cake and hair trials Monday, Ryan's lawyer and work again Tuesday, hair dye Wednesday, nails Thursday, and then up super early for the ceremony on Friday, and then our reception bash on Saturday, and laundry again Sunday. I'm tired just thinking about it! Oh, and let's remember that during off days that following week, I'll be working on changing my name. Yes, sir, I'm whiping out all traces of my maiden name A.S.A.P.! Ashley Rheiner, from July 23rd on.
I'm ready. We're planning for a romantic night home right now, with talks of possibly going to a nice place for dinner. I might just order something in, get some champagne (according to Ryan), some candles, and no one but us. It'll be on my nerves in three seconds.