Not much to write about, I must admit. Two jobs means alot less time to sit home and do...Whatever. Granted, with the weather, I've been off going on two weeks. Which is part of why I thought I would write.
December 19, 2009 brought the first blizzard Maryland had seen in a long while. We shoveled out and all was well. Then, on 02/05/2010, we got hammered with 28+ inches of snow in another blizzard. Before we could even make a noticeable dent in that snow, along comes another blizzard, with another 21+ inches of snow, on 02/09/2010. I've never seen so much snow in my life! The picture is of my walkway, which had been shoveled down to bare pavement after the 02/05 storm. This was taken on 02/10/2010.
During this storm, I actually lived on whatever could be found at the corner store, along with beef stew and hot chocolate. I was actually old enough to eat what I wanted during a snow storm! AND, I'll have something to share with my grandkids one day. I just read, earlier today, that it was the most snow we've had since 1888, and that put it into perspective for me.
So, now that I've shared, I hope everyone is safe and sound and praying for Spring as hard as we are here in Maryland!